Media-Summer 2020

After watching each recording, we encourage you to answer the questions provided.  If you’re listening on your own, these questions are still beneficial to work through.  However, we still encourage you to share your responses with someone that could provide you accountability and encouragement.

Fresh Connect w/Trent (7-24-20)

1—In what ways are you able to relate to Trent’s story?

2—Trent mentioned how Christian Challenge helped him to maintain a focus on God throughout the entire week, which is really important.  What are some things that typically cause your focus to be taken off of God?  What can you do to help remedy those tendencies?

3—How much thought have you given toward the relationships you will be able to cultivate with both Christians and non-Christians while in college?  What kind of intentionality should you have in each relationship?  Have you considered how having solid relationships with other Christians could help you have a greater impact in the lives of the non-Christians in your life?

Fresh Connect w/Brandon (7-16-20)

1—In what ways are you able to relate to Brandon’s story?

2—Are there aspects of your faith that you view more as a checklist than a relationship?  If so, what needs to change?

3—Brandon mentioned that whether we get to meet in person or have to meet online, the purpose is still the same.  With so many unknowns for the upcoming semester, this is a great outlook to have.  Are you committed to participating in things that will encourage growth in your relationship with Jesus regardless of the setting, circumstance, or convenience?

Fresh Connect w/Abby (7-10-20)

1—In what ways are you able to relate to Abby’s story?

2—Have you ever had a time in your life when you struggled with being angry with God or tried to run away from Him?  What did God teach you as a result of that time?

3—How has the truth of God’s graciousness and forgiveness towards you impacted your life?  How could that truth bring hope to others you know?

Fresh Connect w/Jaymee (7-2-20)

1—In what ways are you able to relate to Jaymee’s story?

2—How meaningful has scripture been to you?  In what ways would you like to grow in the discipline of reading and studying the Bible? (Check out our Reading Plan to join in on what we use to build consistency in our Bible reading.)

3—How impactful could discipleship be for you personally as a Freshman in college?

Fresh Connect w/Victoria (6-28-20)

1—In what ways are you able to relate to Victoria’s story?

2—How would you describe the role of the local church in your relationship with Jesus up to this point? What benefits could there be to being involved with a local church throughout college?

3—What impact would you like to have in the lives of other students in regard to their relationship with Jesus?  (Let us know what’s on your mind.  We’d love to help provide opportunities, and even help equip you for them.)

Courage (6-23-20)

1—What does courage have to do with our relationship with Jesus?

2—How courageous have you been in your walk with God?  In what ways do you need to have more courage?

3—What do you think God wanted you to learn or be reminded of through this message?  As a result of that, how will you respond?

Fresh Connect w/Alex (6-18-20)

1—In what ways are you able to relate to Alex’s story?

2—How important is your relationship with Jesus Christ?  Are you willing to walk in obedience to Him, even if that causes some people to choose to no longer walk with you?

3—What changes should you watch for in your own life to help you recognize if Jesus becomes less of a priority for you than He is today?

Hope (6-16-20)

1—How would you describe the feeling of hopelessness or what it feels like to find yourself in a hopeless situation?

2—What are some examples of hopeless situations that we see in our world today?

3—What do you think God wanted you to learn or be reminded of through this message?  As a result of that, how will you respond?

Fresh Connect w/Anna (6-11-20)

1—In what ways are you able to relate to Anna’s story?

2—How has God demonstrated His consistency and faithfulness in your life?  How does it make you feel to know you can count on God to remain the same as you head into a stage of life associated with so much change?

3—Have you given any thought to how you’d like to come to know Jesus more throughout your Freshman year?  Or throughout your entire collegiate experience?  What choices do you need to make now in order to make sure that happens?

Trust (6-9-20)

1—How do you define trust?

2—What are some examples of things that wrongfully recieve people’s trust?  How easy is it for you to put your trust in the wrong things?

3—What do you think God wanted you to learn or be reminded of through this message?  As a result of that, how will you respond?

Fresh Connect w/Jake (6-4-20)

1—In what ways are you able to relate to Jake’s story?

2—How much of a priority is it for you to be able to find community in college?  What is the reasoning for your response? 

3—Up to this point in your life, how has your relationship with Jesus Christ been encouraged due to the influence and impact of your peers? Or how helpful could it have been to have had peers willing to invest in and encourage your relationship with Jesus?

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