Our Mission

Christian Challenge-UCCS exists to challenge students to give thier lives to grow with Jesus and tell people about Him.

Jesus said “Follow me and I will make you fish for people” (Matthew 4:19). We want to help you follow Jesus and tell people about Him. Whether you would identify as a Christian or not, we believe that Jesus is worth knowing and telling people about Him.

If you are a Christian already, we will train and equip you to spend the rest of your life growing closer to Jesus. We will do this by helping you create habits (like reading your Bible, praying, sharing the gospel, etc.) that will get you closer to Jesus. We will personally meet up with you to hold you accountable to growing in your faith while teaching you how to do this more effectively.

If you would not claim to be a Christian, then we believe that we have something to offer you. Jesus said “I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10). We want you to know this abundant life that Jesus offers to all of us. We want you to come to our Bible studies and events to see the way that Jesus has influenced our lives and how he could impact yours.

However long you have been in college or however long you have left in college, we want to help you be a lifelong follower of Jesus and spend your life telling people about Him.

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