Check out the new shirts and use the form below to place your order. There are 3 styles to choose from! The short sleeve t-shirt is $10, the sweatshirt is $20, and the hoodie is $25.
IMPORTNAT NOTE: Technically the hoodie and the sweathirt are the same color, or at least closer in color than they appear in the proofs. The color for BOTH is Heather Military Green. We’ve been told to anticpate colors closer to what is seen in the hoodie, but we cannot guarantee.
Payment Options:
1-CASH: You can make arrangements to drop off cash to any Christian Challenge staff member by the deadline.
2-CHECK: You can make checks payable to BCM of Colorado Springs. Then you can either make arrangements to drop it off to any Christian Challenge staff member OR mail your check to Kent Slack, 6722 Oasis Butte Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80923. Checks need to be recieved by the deadline. (If you choose to mail in your check, please let Kent know.)
3-VENMO: From your smart phone, go here. (If the link doesn’t work, search for Christian Challenge or @Pay4CC on your Venmo app.)
Shirt Pick-Up:
Once we recieve the shirts, they will be available for pick up at our Bible study on Tuesday nights. For non-students or alumni, we will contact you when the shirts are ready and then you can arrange a plan to pick up your order. (If you are needing shirts to be mailed, please know that you will need to be prepared to cover that cost. Be sure to contact us to discuss this option.)