L.I.F.E. Groups

L.I.F.E. Groups

Make plans to participate in one of our topic-driven, short-term small groups throughout the semester.  The goal of these groups is to help you…
Llove God,
Iinvest in others,
Ffocus on Biblical living, and
Eequip yourself to tell others.

Thursdays @ 7PM | Starting Feburary 6th

***Due to weather we will not be meeting January 30th.***

Men’s L.I.F.E. Group- Gods at War
Idolatry isn’t an issue; it is the issue. We’ll be talking about the false gods that each of us are allowing on the throne of our hearts. We’re all wired for worship, but we often end up valuing and honoring the idols of money, sex, food, romance, success, and many others that keep us from the intimate relationship with God that we desire. 

Women’s L.I.F.E. Group- The Prayerful Life
Prayer is hard. Harder than it should be. We want to have a vibrant, passionate prayer life, but it is often cold and apathetic. Over the next few weeks, we will study prayer as God designed it and apply biblical truths about prayer to our lives. We will ask God to turn our lackluster prayer life to grow into one that is purposeful and powerful!

Love God

Invest in others

Focus on Biblical Living

Equip yourself to tell

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